Hello GEB,
Thank you to all who came out to the Fall Premiere! Below you will find all of the details for this week (08/20/18-08/25/18) along with all of the information presented this past Saturday. Remember to always check richardsonband.org for the most updated schedule.
Schedule Pick-up – Monday, August 20
On the first day of school, each student will need to report to the following areas to confirm their first period classroom. The students name and first period classroom will be posted on the list:
Eagles Nest: 9-12 grade A-G
Small Gym: 9-12 grade H-N
Cafeteria: 9-12 grade O-Z
When students report to the appropriate first period classroom, they will receive a hard copy of their most recent schedule. If they do not have a schedule in that classroom, they will report to the auditorium. Please also check schedules in FOCUS.
If a student did not get their ID during registration, they can swing by the front of the library to obtain their ID. Those needing to take a picture for their ID will be receiving that information during the first day of school.
Chromebooks: If a student has not received their Chromebook, the school is planning to get all of those issued Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Insurance payment of $22 will be taken at this time.
Students – please arrive early (suggested time – 8:20 AM) as drop off lines can get backed up the closer to 9am.
Band Handbook Forms Due Wednesday, August 22
Students and parents – please see band handbook link below:
Please print/sign pages v and xvii and return these forms to Mr. Reyna’s box by 5:00 pm on Wednesday, August 22nd. Students will also receive these forms in class on Monday.
Family Picnic Details – Wednesday, August 22
The GEB will be performing at the Annual RHS Family Picnic this Wednesday, August 22nd. This will be a low key, but important community event that should have you on your way home around 8:30 PM. Below, you will find the details for the event:
4:45 PM: Inspection/Warm-up in the Band Hall?5:15 PM: Set-up in the stands (leave instruments)?5:45 PM: Eat (FREE!)?6:45 PM: Perform in the stands / enjoy the festivities?8:30 PM: Approximate Dismissal
Attire: 2018 “Danza de la Rosa” show shirt and school appropriate shorts.
Required Materials: instrument, flip folder and lyre
After our performance, you’ll be released to put away your instruments. All students should be ready for pickup by 8:45 PM.
RWJH All-Region Help Sessions
This Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, the RHS Wind Symphony students will have an opportunity to help the 7th/8th grade Richardson West JH students on their All-Region music. This is a completely optional event, however, we definitely want to help our future GEB members. Service hours will be provided for your time. Please see below:
Tuesday, August 21: Flute/Clarinet (3:30 PM – 5:30 PM). Arrive by 4:30 PM
Wednesday, August 22: Trumpet/Oboe (3:30 – 5:30 PM). You will not be able to attend due to the Family Picnic.
Thursday, August 23rd: Low Brass/Saxophones (3:30 PM – 5:30 PM). Arrive by 4:30 PM
Homecoming Parade Entry – DUE Thursday, August 23
Rather than a monetary amount, the organizers of the RHS Homecoming Parade handle the “entry fee” for the event in a different fashion. Each band member is expected to donate one pack of underwear by Thursday August 23rd, which will be collected and donated to the Clothes Closet, a local charity serving the needs of the area.
There will be a collection area in the front of the band hall for each student to turn in his/her package of underwear. The package should be marked with the student’s name so that we can account for who has already turned in their contribution. This is a great charity and we expect the band to be the single greatest contributor!
Band Rehearsals
Band rehearsals start this week! Please see below:
Monday: 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Tuesday: 7:00 AM – 8:30 AM
Wednesday: 7:00 AM – 8:30 AM
Thursday: 7:00 AM – 8:30 AM
Friday: 7:00 AM – 8:30 AM
NO Rehearsals:
Labor Day (09/03), Columbus Day (10/08), Fridays after the Thursday, RHS vs Molina game (10/12) and Thursday after UIL (10/18).
EXTRA Rehearsals:
Day of competitions/contests – Little Elm (10/06), Desoto (10/13), UIL (10/17 and 10/27) and Friday (10/05) 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM (there is no school on this day).
*after the competitive marching season ends, we will only rehearse on Fridays (11/02 and 11/09). Should we advance to playoffs, we will continue this schedule.
Tutoring Information (Marching Season)
Tutoring is to be done around the marching band schedule as this is the ONLY time where all of the students are together to rehearse. With this being said, the band staff encourages students to attend tutoring (especially if a student has a grade lower than an 80). Below you will find the available opportunities for students to attend tutoring during the marching season:
Monday – Before School, Lunch and After School (4:15 PM – 5:15 PM)
Tuesday – Lunch and After School
Wednesday – Lunch and After School
Thursday – Lunch and After School (except for game days)
Friday – Lunch and After School (except for game days)
On Mondays after school, ALL students in the program will have study hall in the band hall from 4:15 PM – 5:15 PM to study and work on homework/projects. If a student needs to attend tutoring, a tutoring pass must be attained from the teacher prior to this time.
Grade Information
Under the No Pass/No Play STATE LAW, a student will not be able to participate in a UIL organization event if they do not pass (70 or higher) a non-excused class. This means NO football games, volleyball games, basketball games, competitions, pep rallies, parades, etc. Due to the UIL calendar, students MUST be passing all non-excused classes by the end of the first 6 weeks of school (September 28th) and end of the first 9 weeks of school (October 5).
While there is a UIL excused list of classes, the expectation by Mr. Marquez is that all classes are passed.
Grading Scale
Participation – 30%
Performance – 30%
Fundamentals – 20%
Skills – 20%
Tardies/Absences Policy
Rehearsals – if a student has 2 unexcused tardies or 1 unexcused absence leading up to game, the student will not perform during the halftime show (but still will be required to attend the football game). This policy will restart after each game.
Unexcused tardy = minus 10 points
Unexcused absence = minus 20 points
In accordance with RISD policy, all excused absences will be honored with no penalty. These include:
• Medical emergency or illness
• Death in the family
• Religious holiday
• Family emergency
• Medical or dental appointment
Students are to turn in medical/dental notes to Mr. Reyna. If a student has a medical/dental appointment in the morning, please try to schedule it on Monday mornings, if at all possible.
*excessive tardies and unexcused absences from rehearsals will result in removal from their competitive marching spot and performing at pep rallies.
Performances – if a student has an unexcused absence from a performance (game, competition, etc.), the student can lose the privilege of attending the spring trip, be demoted a band, and/or be removed from the program entirely at the discretion the band director. A grade will be given for each performance (30% of their grade)
Inspection Lines
Prior to every performance, we will have a designated call time for students to meet in inspection lines. The purpose of inspection lines is to make sure students are READY with everything that they need.
If a student fails inspection, the student will report to Mr. Marquez after a football game and will be assigned duties for the band during that time. A student will fail inspection if he/she:
shows up late
wears the wrong attire
is missing uniform items
is missing instrument (and parts of instrument)
has a non-clean, fully functioning working instrument
is missing a lyre/flip folder
is lacking a filled water bottle (water only)
wears make-up/nail polish
wears jewelry (religious affiliation allowed)
has an unnatural hair color
has the incorrect “show hair”
is not clean-shaven (boys)
hangs uniform incorrectly (after games/competitions)
*these rules are in place to allow for students to look uniformed, help us with the maintenance of the uniforms and disseminate information efficiently.
To avoid ever being at risk, just pass your classes, be on time, and have all of your materials!
This is your friendly reminder that in order to help raise money to support the band, ALL Golden Eagle Band members will participate in our annual 5K March-a-thon on September 29th. We will march and play through the Richardson High School neighborhood!
To help maintain the LOWEST BAND FEES IN THE ENTIRE REGION, provide scholarships, hire some of the best marching band arrangers/drill writers, etc., we ask that EVERY Golden Eagle Band member obtain a minimum of $250 in pledges. We are also soliciting donations from our RHS neighbors AND local businesses. We hope all of our RHS neighbors will come out and support the band. The band will also be accepting donations the morning of the event.
Donation details: The band accepts cash and checks made payable to the Richardson Area Band Club (RABC).
If someone does not live in the area, they can donate by sending it to P. O. Box 832919, Richardson TX 75083-2919.
Parents/Students: Please click on the links below (packet, individual files, sign up genius) for all details. Remember you must secure $250. Students should place all donations in the band safe (located by director’s offices) at any time before September 10th. Receipt and company logos (in vector format) are to be sent to marchathon@richardsonband.org by September 10th for placement on the t-shirt. Again, please make checks payable to RABC.
Once you secure a Corporate Sponsor, please email Alison Reiff-Martin at
atreiffmartin@gmail.com and let her know the level of sponsorship.
– Corporate Sponsorship money and vector file (for t-shirt and/or banner): DUE MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th
Private Lessons
If you have not started private lessons, please get in contact with our wonderful lesson teachers ASAP. Lessons are $18 for a 30 minute, 1 on 1 lesson that can occur before school, during your band class or after school. Lessons should not be scheduled during marching rehearsals. Please click link below for contact information to the lesson staff:
Upcoming Events
08/31 – RHS vs Nimitz Football Game (Away)
09/14 – Pep Rally, Homecoming Parade, RHS vs Garland
I am looking forward to continuing a GREAT year!
Thank you,
Mr. Marquez