This week is JH Night at the home varsity football game. Click HERE for the volunteer opportunities to help make Friday night a success!
Then on Saturday, the GEB takes the field in marching competition for the first time since 2019! Please click HERE to sign up and help out on Saturday.
If you’d like to order our 2021 Spirit Wear T-Shirt, click HERE. The last day for orders is this Thursday, September 30.
This Week’s Schedule
Monday, September 27
- 5:00pm-7:00pm Rehearsal
Tuesday, September 28
- 7:00am-8:30am Rehearsal
- 4:30pm-6:00pm Volunteer prop assembly (sign-up below)
Wednesday, September 29
- 7:00am-8:30am Rehearsal
Thursday, September 30
- 7:00am-8:30am Rehearsal
Friday, October 1
- 7:00am-8:30am Rehearsal
- 5:40pm Inspection for Varsity Football Game Performance (JH Night)
Saturday, October 2
- Plano East Marching Invitational – Full Itinerary HERE
Tuesday, September 28
Student Volunteers Needed 4:30-6:00pm
Students: Please click HERE to sign-up to volunteer and help get the rest of the props assembled before our first contest this year. We need 12 students for about 1.5 hours.
Friday, October 1
JH Night at the Varsity Football Game
Junior High Night is back! Our 8th grade band friends from West and Westwood will join us for Pre-Game, 1st half in the stands, and halftime performance on the field. This is a great opportunity to give the younger band members a preview of all the cool things that lie ahead for them in HS Band!
Saturday, October 2
Plano East Marching Invitational
The GEB is returning to marching contests this year! We kick-off the competition season in Plano at Kimbrough Stadium. This is a prelims/finals event, so we should anticipate marching twice this day. Your band fees cover your meals throughout the day. Full itinerary is posted HERE.
All-Region Jazz
Last Saturday, select RHS Jazz Band members competed in the Region 20 TMEA All-Region Jazz Auditions. Congratulations to all who prepared the material and represented RHS with pride! Special congratulations go to RHS Jazz Pianist Simon Jeffus who taped for the Area Jazz Band. We’d also like to highlight Chole Pomajzl (Trumpet), Mathew Hock (Alto Sax), and Anderson Gillett (Tenor Sax) who were all 1 away from Area. Congratulations!!!
March-A-Thon 5k
Thank you to all the students who met their fundraising goal and all the parent volunteers who made this year’s March-A-Thon a huge success! The GEB raised almost $30k before the donations along the route were included. This is right in line with March-A-Thon numbers pre-COVID. This is a huge win!!! We especially want to send a special thank you to March-A-Thon and Fund-Raising coordinator Tammy Dalton for her attention to every detail. Way to go!!!
Also, there are still a few unclaimed donations. If you recognize someone below, please email to claim the sponsor. Thank you!
Gisela Campos
Nathan Stone
Rocio Martinez
Brian Wright
Anne Shedenhelm
Looking Ahead…
Thursday, October 7
Varsity Football Game RHS @ Berkner (Wildcat/Ram Stadium) – 7:00pm Kickoff
Game 6 will be our last Thursday game of the season across town against Berkner. After that night, RISD has a 4 day weekend for students. However, don’t forget to make your weekend plans to where you will be available for the Special Marching Band Rehearsal Monday morning to get ready for UIL. (See below…)
Monday, October 11
Special Marching Band Rehearsal – 8:30-11:30am
The weekend before UIL Region 20 Marching Contest, there is no school on Friday and Monday. In addition, on the day of UIL, there will be a PSAT administration on campus that includes many band students. Therefore, we can’t rehearse Wednesday morning on the day of UIL. Because of these rehearsal constraints, we have a special morning marching rehearsal on Monday, October 11. There is no school this day, but this rehearsal is required and it is an integral part of our success at UIL.
Note: This is not a change to the original published calendar from last May. I simply want to draw your attention to this date because of the circumstances surrounding it.