Happy Monday GEB!
Below you will find all of the details for this week (03/30/20-04/04/20).
At this time, you all should have received your assignment for the week from your primary band director; make sure to submit those as instructed. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us by email and/or Google Classroom:
Wind Symphony and AP Music Theory – jesus.marquez@risd.org
Symphonic Winds, Percussion, Jazz – david.schmuck@risd.org
Symphonic Band – ryan.reyna@risd.org
Concert Band – mark.mckinney@risd.org
Guard – melissa.ashley0530@yahoo.com
In addition, please click the link below for audition music and information! We will discuss how the actual audition for both band and leadership will occur at a later time. At this time, just practice and double check with your counselor that band is on your schedule.
Audition Information:
Wind Audition Music:
Mr. Schmuck emailed the percussion audition music last week. Please email him if you did not receive it (david.schmuck@risd.org)
Make sure you are reaching out to your private lesson teachers for additional help, if you have not already done so.
Leadership Training Opportunity:
For those interested in auditioning for a leadership position in the GEB, SASI is offering FREE leadership audition preparation seminars every Friday from 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM for the next 4 weeks! Please see attachment for more information and make sure to register!
From SASI:
All students need to do is sign up online on the SASI website; we will disseminate the specifics by Friday at noon each week. The seminars will be hosted on the Zoom platform and will cover an introduction into both student leadership and conducting.
Please note – there is a 500 person limit for each date. Each seminar will be similar to the others to give as many participants a foundational introduction to student leadership and/or conducting and provide tools for their respective auditions moving forward.
Fundraising Opportunities
In case you are interested in sending gifts for upcoming events or are currently using or planning on using the following companies, please see below:
Yankee Candle gifts for Easter, Mothers Day, etc
Prior to spring break we launched our spring fundraiser with hundreds of items including candles, home fragrance, kitchen items, décor and more. Shop online and have it delivered direct to your home. Go to http://www.YankeeCandleFundraising.com and enter Group #999991383
The Golden Eagle Band will receive up to 45% profit on each item ordered! Sale runs from March 5 to July 8, 2020.
Amazon Smile Account
Make your Amazon purchases go a little further by selecting Richardson High School Area Band Club on http://www.smile.amazon.com Start every purchase at smile.amazon.com and Amazon will donate 0.5% of each eligible purchase to the GEB! smile.amazon.com/gp/chpf/about/ref=smi_se_rspo_laas_aas
Shop at Kroger
Every time you shop at Kroger with your loyalty card, the Golden Eagle Band wins! Select Richardson High School Area Band Club Account BK510 for your preferred Community Rewards recipient and a percentage of your shopping proceeds will be sent to the GEB!
Thank you,
TWIGEN Mr. Marquez