Happy Saturday GEB,
You all looked amazing in your uniforms today at Picture Day. I cannot wait until you take the field! In this email are friendly reminders of what is happening this week in the Golden Eagle Band. Please read through all of the information as there many events occurring this week. Remember to always arrive at least 15 minutes before any scheduled event. To be early is to be on time…!
TWIGEB = This Week In (the) Golden Eagle Band
Drumline RISD Convocation Rehearsal 08/13/18
9:00 AM: Rehearsal in RHS Band Hall
10:30 AM: Load bus and leave for Prestonwood Baptist Church, Plano
11:30 AM: Rehearsal on stage at PWBC
12:00 PM: Load busses and trucks and return to RHS
As soon as drumline students return back on campus, they will quickly unload the truck and then are free to go to school registration.
School Registration 08/13/18
ALL students in the program (9th-12th) will register for school on Monday, August 13th.
Marching Band Rehearsals 08/13/18-08/17/18
Monday, August 13th: 5:30 PM – 8:45 PM
Tuesday, August 14th: 5:30PM – 8:45 PM
Wednesday, August 15th: 7:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Thursday, August 16th: 7:30 PM – 11:30 AM
Friday, August 17th: 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Drumline RISD Convocation Performance 08/14/18
6:45 AM: Arrive at RHS and begin loading truck
7:10 AM: Load bus and leave for PWBC. Upon arrival, students will unload, tune and warm-up
8:30 AM: Set up outside the PWBC. Perform for teachers as they arrive!
9:45 AM: Transition inside
9:57 AM: Perform on stage for over 5000 teachers!
After the drumline performance is completed, students will load the truck/bus and head back to RHS.
When students arrive at RHS, they will quickly unload the truck.
GEB Purple Dry-Fit
Khaki Shorts
Tennis Shoes
If you do not own a GEB purple dry-fit shirt, then one will be provided for you. If we cannot get enough of the GEB purple dry-fit shirts, then we will wear our “Danza de la Rosa” show shirt.
Freshmen Orientation Performance 08/15/18
9th -12 grade band members will perform at Freshmen Orientation! Please see below for details:
5:00 PM: Arrive @ RHS
5:15 PM: Inspection lines/warm-up in the band hall
5:45 PM: Move to auditorium
6:05 PM: Start performance as people walk in/sit
6:30 PM: Presentation starts – 9th graders are dismissed to join parents and enjoy orientation; 10th-12th graders are on stand-by
7:15 PM: 10th-12th graders perform the Alma Mater
7:30 PM: 10th-12th band members dismissed
8:30 PM: Orientation concludes for 9th graders
Color Guard members are excused from Freshmen Orientation.
GEB “Danza de La Rosa” Show Shirt
Tennis Shoes
Friday Rehearsal 08/17/18
7:30 AM – 12:30 PM: Marching Rehearsal (grid or gym – pending weather)
12:30 PM – 2:00 PM: Lunch (on your own)
2:00 PM – 5:30 PM: Fall Premiere Dress Rehearsal (auditorium)
Please notice that lunch is one hour later on this day.
Fall Premiere 08/18
My favorite day of Band Camp is the last one – the Fall Premiere. On Saturday, August 18th, we’ll all gather together as family to celebrate the official start of the marching season and all the kids’ hard work.
Performance will start @ 10:30 AM in the auditorium (call time for students is 9:00 AM). The students will premier the music to the 2018 Marching Show “Danza de la Rosa” along with several RHS fan favorite pep tunes. There will also be a parent meeting. Details for students are below:
Event: 2018 RHS Band Fall Premiere?Date: Saturday, August 18th?Call Time: 9:00 AM (students)?Location: RHS Auditorium
Performance Time: 10:30 AM (family and friends)
Equipment: Make sure you have your instrument/flag and flip folder with all of the pep tunes.
GEB “Danza de La Rosa” Show Shirt
Tennis Shoes
Color guard
Purple tanks
Black Leggings
Thank you,
Mr. Marquez