Hello GEB,
Below you will find the details for this week (04/16/18-04/21/18). Remember to always check richardsonband.org for the most updated schedule.
Dallas Wind Symphony Invitational Windband Festival Recap
Congratulations to the Wind Symphony for an outstanding performance at the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center today! They earned 3rd place (out of 32 bands)!
RHS 5K Performance Recap
Thank you to all you who performed today; your spirit was definitely noticed by our administration, teachers and community!
2018-2019 Audition Music
Audition music for 2018-2019 band placement was released last Tuesday. If for some reason you did not grab a copy, the music is located in the front of the band hall.
UIL Week!
Our Concert and Sight-Reading Evaluation is this week. In preparation for our performances, there are dress rehearsals that will be occurring after school (there are NO sectionals this week). Wind Symphony will rehearse as usual (8:20 AM) on Monday. With also having one of the best auditoriums in Texas, we also have the privilege of hosting the contest. This has been a long tradition for many years and we have been told by MANY judges to be one of the best hosting schools. If you are working the event, please see the UPDATED Student Worker List. If you are unsure about your job duty, please see Mr. Marquez immediately!
Please start getting in contact with your teachers this week so that you can get ahead on your school assignments. Remember that you will only work ONE of the days, NOT all three. There will also be plenty of time throughout your workday to work on homework/classwork.
Call time for each day is:
Tuesday, April 17th: 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Wednesday, April 18th: 7:45 AM – 8:15 PM
Thursday, April 19th: 7:00 AM – 7:30 PM
Attire: Men: Dress slacks, button down dress shirt, tie
Guides – suit/tie would be perfect!
Ladies: Sunday Best attire (must be school appropriate)
Lunch will be provided everyday! Dinner will also be provided on Tuesday for Wind Symphony members since they have a rehearsal that evening.
There are also dress rehearsals this week in preparation for our upcoming UIL performance. All bands will rehearse on stage on Monday, April 16th during the school day.
Dress rehearsals starting on Tuesday will be late evening/early morning for Wind Symphony; this is due to the fact that we do not have access to the band hall during the school day with the hosting responsibilities. Below are the rehearsals for the week:
Monday April 16th
Symphonic Winds (Mr. Schmuck) – 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM (Auditorium) – place instruments in dressing rooms after rehearsal.
Symphonic Band (Mr. Reyna) – 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM (Band Hall) – place instruments in dressing rooms after rehearsal.
Concert Band (Mr. McKinney) – 6:00 PM – 7:45 PM (Auditorium)
Tuesday, April 17th
Wind Symphony (Mr. Marquez) – 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM (Auditorium)
Dinner Provided at 7:00 PM
Wednesday, April 18th
Wind Symphony (Mr. Marquez) – 7:00 AM – 8:45 AM (Auditorium)
Friday, April 20th
Spring Trip Symphonic Band/Concert Band – 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM (Band Hall)
Percussionists – ALL percussion instruments needed for ALL four concert ensemble performances should be taken to the auditorium on Monday after dress rehearsals.
Please come and support your kids – they are playing so beautifully and if you have never seen the sight-reading process, it is definitely something to check out. The location for each concert is the auditorium; the location for sight-reading is the band hall. Below are the times for each band.
Tuesday, April 17th
Concert Band (Mr. McKinney) – Concert 9:00 AM / Sight-Read 9:30 AM
Students need to be onstage BY 8:15 AM (arrive at 7:45 AM, change into concert attire and grab instrument)
Symphonic Band (Mr. Reyna) – Concert 1:45 PM / Sight-Read 2:15 PM. Students head to dressing rooms once the bell rings 4th period (after A lunch). Change into concert attire and grab instrument from dressing rooms. Students should be lined up outside choir room BY 12:55 PM.
Symphonic Winds (Mr. Schmuck) – Concert 6:15 PM / Sight-Read 6:45 PM
Students head to dressing rooms after school. Change into concert attire and grab instrument from dressing rooms. Students should be lined up outside choir room BY 5:25 PM.
Thursday, April 19th
Wind Symphony (Mr. Marquez) – Concert 8:45 AM / Sight-Read 9:30 AM
Students need to be onstage BY 7:45 AM (arrive at 7:15 AM, change into concert attire and grab instrument)
Concert Attire:
Men’s Attire: black Dinkles tux shoes, black long socks, tux pants, plain white undershirt, white tux shirt with studs and cuff-links, black bow tie, black cummerbund, black tux jacket, clean shaven.
Women’s Attire: black Broadway dress shoes, black dress, no bright colored undergarments, modest make-up (if any), no large jewelry, tights, hair back in pony tail to not interfere with music.
Below is the rubric of how we will be evaluated:
As a reminder, Tuesday-Thursday we will not have class during the school day due to hosting the UIL Evaluation. If you are not performing, assigned to work and/or testing during your band period, you are to report to the Eagles Nest. Attendance will be taken; once you are in the Eagle’s Nest, you are not to leave for any reason (even if you have a pass from another teacher). You are work on homework or anything that will not be a distraction to others. You also need to keep the noise level down because we may not be the only group using the space during that time. It is important that you follow ALL instructions given by by our sub and show them the upmost respect.
Spring Trip!
We will be departing for San Antonio on Friday, April 20th. A separate email with the most updated information will be sent out later this week.
Upcoming Events
04/23/18 – Return from Spring Trip
04/27/18 – Host Director’s Choice Festival (volunteers)
04/28/18 – Honor Band Recording #1 (Wind Symphony – required)
04/28/18 – Golden Eagle Band Orientation (ALL – required)
Per my email on 02/03/18:
Marching Band Mini-June Camp (06/04/18-06/08/18). REQUIRED for ALL (9th-11th) Band, Guard and Percussion Members.
Full Band Camp Schedule.REQUIRED for ALL (9th-11th) Band, Guard and Percussion Members:
Students who fail to attend/show up late to all camps, are unprepared musically/physically for the activity or are a distraction to others during rehearsals will not be placed in a marching spot, regardless of grade level, ensemble placement or experience. This also includes grades (and grade history). A student can be removed at any point in the season should any of these items occur.
Thank you,
Mr. Marquez