Happy Labor Day Weekend GEB,
Great job at our first football game! Please see below for details this week (09/05/17-09/09/17).
Regular Rehearsals Continue
7:00 AM – 8:30 AM (Tuesday-Friday) rehearsals continue this week. You must be on the GRID by 7:00 AM (STADIUM on Friday) and have your dot book/pencil; we are starting drill for Movement II this week!
Write in coordinates for Movement II on Dot Book
Practice/memorize Movement II (https://www.dropbox.com/s/7cds5hztdaasftw/RHS%202017%20Arabian%20Nights%20Mvt%202.mp3?dl=0 )
Practice All-Region Assignment (if applicable)
Parents/students – Please log in to FOCUS. If there are any classes you are currently failing or are close to failing, you MUST turn in any missing assignments and go to tutoring during lunch/after school this week. The three week grade report will be released this Friday and I do not want to see your name on it!
Remember that you must be passing ALL of your classes by Friday, September 29th to be eligible to participate in any band activity.
Honor Band Sign-up
If you are signing up for Honor Band, make sure to turn in the provided form with parent’s signature to Mr Marquez’ box by Thursday, September 7th. If you need more information (from that discussed in class), see Mr. Marquez.
Friday Morning Rehearsal/Drill Team Information
As a reminder on game days, we will rehearse in the STADIUM. ALL woodwinds, brass and drumline students must bring their flip folder stuffed with this week’s drill team tune (which happens to be Counting Stars again). Anyone who forgets his/her flip folder and drill team tune at this rehearsal will automatically fail inspection for the week, so make sure you remember!
RHS vs Midlothian (away) 09/08/17
The second football game is an AWAY game once again. As always, full details can be found on the Official Band Calendar at www.richardsonband.org.
Everything will be EXACTLY the same as last week.
When the bell rings, dinner will be served in the Eagles Nest. Please note that this is only for those who signed up for the Football Game Meal Plan. The schedule for the night is below. Please note that we’ll be wearing the summer uniform this week. Marching shoes will be located in the uniform room.
Game Details
Drill Team Tune: Counting Stars
Dinner Served: 4:10 PM (Eagles Nest – Golden Chick)
Inspection: 5:00 PM
Depart for MISD Multi-purpose Stadium: 5:30 PM
Kickoff: 7:30 PM
MISD Multi-purpose Stadium
1800 S. 14th St.
Midlothian, TX 76065
Summer Uniform: GEB Dri-fit shirt, GEB black athletic shorts, purple sunglasses, black ANKLE socks, and marching shoes.
Guard – Tank and Black Leggings
A student will fail inspection if he/she:
shows up late
wears the wrong attire
is missing uniform items
is missing instrument (and parts of instrument)
has a unclean and not fully functioning working instrument
is missing a lyre/flip folder
is lacking a filled water bottle (water only)
wears make-up/nail polish
wears jewelry (religious affiliation allowed)
has an unnatural hair color (blue, green, etc.)
has the incorrect “show hair”
is not clean-shaven (boys)
After the game, everyone will turn in their shoes and place them on shoe hangers in the uniform room.
Parents – we will need MANY volunteers for the football game. Mrs. Forssell will be sending out information so be on the look out and sign-up!
March-a-thon Information
Sponsor t-shirts – each sponsor will receive a t-shirt that includes their logo. Please try to get a t-shirt size from your sponsor(s) and email that information to Mrs. Hartigan (txhart@sbcglobal.net). We will order adult size large as the default, if we don’t get their size info.
Cash and check non-corporate donations CONTINUE – due September 13th!
If you pre-ordered a March-A-Thon t-shirt at the Fall Premiere but did not pay, please send in your cash or check in a labeled envelope and place in the band safe.
Donation details: The band accepts cash and checks made payable to the Richardson Area Band Club (RABC). Please place money in the band safe. Remember to label the envelope with your name.
LEADERSHIP – On Saturday, September 9th, we will be hanging door signs around the neighborhood from 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM to promote the March-a-thon. Please mark this date on your calendars.
TMEA All-Region Music FREE Clinic Opportunities
Southern Methodist University (SMU) will be doing a FREE clinic from 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM for bassoon, saxophone and trombone (11th-12th grade ONLY) on the All-Region music (area/state) on Saturday, September 16th. Please click the link below for information regarding times, location, required materials and how to register. Only 25 spots will be available for each instrument, so sign-up ASAP! Just think of all of the fun on this day – GEB March-A-Thon in the morning and All-Region clinic in the afternoon!
Sign up link: http://www.smu.edu/Meadows/AreasOfStudy/Music/WorkshopsAndSpecialPrograms/AllStateMusic
The University of Texas at Tyler (UT Tyler) will also be doing a FREE clinic from 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM for all instruments (9th-12th grade) on the All-Region music (area/state) on Saturday, September 23rd. Please click the link below for information regarding times, location, required materials and how to register.
Sign up link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfonjvSi-ngN1l0n8WGZOhvbbg8LeTJsV-EEn9-OgFjYH12bw/viewform
Upcoming Events
09/12 – Meet the Teacher Night
09/15 – RHS vs Nimitz (Home)
09/16 – March-a-thon
Thank you,
Mr. Marquez