Hello GEB,
This is your friendly reminder that our Full Band Camp starts TOMORROW (August 1st) @ 7:00 AM in the Richardson High School Band Hall. This camp is required for all of the members in the Golden Eagle Band. You will need to:
1) bring a water bottle/camelback
2) wear athletic clothing and tennis shoes (no open-toed shoes or jeans)
3) apply sunscreen and wear hats/sunglasses
4) bring a sack lunch or money to purchase food from nearby restaurants
5) bring your MARCHING INSTRUMENT; if you have not received a school-owned instrument and need one, you can it pick up tomorrow.
Please drink water all throughout today and have breakfast tomorrow morning; avoid eating dairy products.
Due to construction continuing in other parts of the RHS facilities, I was just made aware that there will be a power outage in the building tomorrow afternoon for 2-3 hours. In order to not lose any rehearsal time, we will be flipping the schedule order for the day. The time frame, however, will STAY THE SAME AS SCHEDULED (7:00 AM – 5:30 PM with a lunch break from 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM). Students can still eat at RHS during the lunch break as the outage will not affect the building during that time.
Inside Music Rehearsal – AM
Outside Marching Rehearsal – PM
As a reminder you can reference the band registration packet/online calendar for the summer band schedule.
PS – the weather in the afternoon will be OUTSTANDING – cloudy and 85-88 degree range!
See everyone @ 7:00 AM!
Mr. Marquez