Hello GEB,
Below you will find the details for this week (11/14-11/19):
TMEA 9th Grade All-Region Results
It was a great day for the GEB at the 9th Grade All-Region auditions! Thank you to all the freshmen who represented RHS and performed this past Saturday. Congratulations to the following students:
Lexi Wolff – 4th chair (Flute)
James Nagele – 10th chair (Flute)
Ella Martin – 11th chair (Flute)
Haley Murray – 2nd alternate (Oboe)
Lily Schaefer – 2nd chair (Clarinet)
Alex Ly – 16th chair (Clarinet)
Erin Murray – 7th alternate (Clarinet)
Raleigh Luxon – 3rd alternate (Bassoon)
Anita Renaud – 4th chair (Alto Saxophone)
Carmen Mallini – 1st alternate (Alto Saxophone)
Addie Conteras – 7th chair (Trumpet)
Toby Bekele – 4th alternate (French Horn)
Theresa Guidry – 2nd chair (Trombone)
Jackson Franco – 7th alternate (Trombone)
Reghan Barnett – 1st chair (Euphonium)
Logan Williams – 2nd chair (Euphonium)
Nate Moncrieffe – 5th chair (Tuba)
RHS placed the 4th most students in the entire region, which is composed of 20 high schools!
Dallas Winds Concert 11/15/16
Below you will find the details for the Dallas Winds Concert (if you signed-up):
Date: 11/15/16
Location: Meyerson Symphony Center (2301 Flora St., Dallas, TX 75201)
Dinner: on your own
Attire: Sunday Best
? Men: dress pants and collared shirt (tie optional) or polo
? Women: dress pants and nice blouse or dress
Repertoire – http://dws.org/concerts/2016-17-season/shadow-of-sirius
6:00 PM – Meet at Spring Valley Rail Station / Buy $5 Ticket
6:30 PM – Board Dart Rail / Walk to Meyerson Symphony Center
7:30 PM – Concert Begins
9:30 PM – Concert Ends (approx.) / Walk to Pearl Rail Station
10:00 PM – Board Red Line for Spring Valley Station
10:30 PM – Arrive at Spring Valley Rail Station
This will count as concert credit for those students enrolled in Honors Level band.
Westwood Band Blast 11/16/16
Required for LEADERSHIP AND DRUM LINE, but everyone is encouraged to join as well. Service hours will be provided to all who attend.
When: Wednesday, November 16
What: Perform for and with the Westwood JH Band
Attire: Purple Dri-Fit and jeans
Where: Westwood JH (bus will NOT be provided)
4:50pm: Arrive at WWJH Band Hall
5:00pm: Ready to go
6:00pm: Approximate end time
Mooyah Spirit Night 11/16/16
Band Spirit/Fundraising Night at Mooyah!
Wednesday, November 16th
Come by anytime from 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Experience the greatness of Mooyah, located at 2160 N. Coit Rd. Ste 130 Richardson, TX 75080. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the band, so tell everyone you know to come eat at Mooyah, and be sure to mention the Golden Eagle Band!
This is a wonderful, no brainer way to raise money for the band program… you gotta eat!
Fall Percussion Auditions 11/16/16 and 11/17/16
The fall percussion auditions will be held on Wednesday (11/16) and Thursday (11/17) of this week in the percussion room. Please see Mr. Muzquiz and Mr. Schmuck for further details.
Cookie Dough / Magazine Fundraiser Due 11/17/16
This is your friendly reminder to follow through on your cookie dough/magazine sales. Please collect orders/payment and place envelopes in the band safe by November 17th.
TMEA Jazz All-Region Band Clinic and Concert 11/17/16 and 11/19/16
If you were one of the students who placed in the All-Region Jazz Band, please see details below regarding the clinic and concert:
Date: Thursday, November 17th and Saturday, November 19th
Location: North Mesquite High School Auditorium and Band Hall
18201 LBJ Freeway
Mesquite, TX 75150
Time: 11/17/16 – 5:00 PM-9:00 PM
11/19/16 – 9:00 AM-4:00 PM then concert is 7:00 PM-8:30 PM
*transportation is on your own for this event. Make sure to take your tuxedo/dress with you on Friday after school.
Upcoming Events
12/03/16 – RISD Holiday Parade (if applicable)
12/03/16 – High School All-Region Auditions Phase 1 (if applicable)
12/05/16 – High School All-Region Auditions Phase 2 (if applicable)
12/07/16 – Winter Concert (all)
12/09/16 – Honors Level Materials Due (if applicable)
Things To Be Thinking About…
1) RISD Chamber Music Festival – students must get solo approved with lesson teacher or director by the final exam date. Proof of purchase for both the solo and accompaniment must be shown to receive 50% percent of the final exam grade.
2) Honors Level Band papers (for those who signed-up) are due by Dec. 9th. Students must attend two professional performances or other performances approved in advance by the director each semester in the student’s respective Honors area. Documentation of these performances will include a program and a minimum two page critique of each performance. The paper must be typed 12 point, Times New Roman font, double-spaced and must reflect the writing quality, content, and construction expected of an Honors student. Students must also complete a research paper each semester on a topic approved by the director. The paper must be a minimum of six pages typed 12 point, Times New Roman font, double spaced, and include a work-cited page. A minimum of three sources is required. The paper must reflect the writing quality, content, and construction expected of an Honors student.
Thank you,
Mr. Marquez