Hello GEB,
Below you will find the details for this week (11/07-11/12):
Congratulations to ALL of our seniors. Thank you for your dedication and hard work. We truly appreciate YOU!
Concert Season Information Reminder
This is your friendly reminder that sectionals are in full swing. Sectionals occur once a week either before or after school at a time agreed upon between the section and the director. These sectionals are to help prepare us for the upcoming Winter Concert and All-Region Band auditions. If you are in Wind Symphony, rehearsals start at 8:20 AM.
Cookie Dough / Magazine Fundraiser Reminder
This is your friendly reminder to follow through on your cookie dough/magazine sales. Please collect orders/payment starting this week. Place envelopes in the band safe by November 17th.
West Band Blast 11/07/16
Required for LEADERSHIP AND DRUM LINE, but everyone is encouraged to join as well. Service hours will be provided to all who attend.
When: Monday, November 7th
What: Perform for and with the West JH Band cluster
Attire: Purple Dri-fit shirt and jeans
Location: RHS (meet in orchestra room with instruments)
6:15pm: Arrive at RHS band hall, assemble instruments and meet in orchestra room
7:00pm: Event starts
8:30pm: Event ends (approx.)
Spring Trip (Corpus Christi) – Commitment Trip Form and NON-REFUNDABLE down payment ($100) due 11/09/16
The 2017 spring trip information is attached for your convenience; packet includes brief information of the trip, payment schedule, TEA excused classes, trip commitment form and cancellation form. The Trip Commitment Form is due to the band safe by November 9th along with your first non-refundable payment of $100. Student must be eligible after the 3rd 9 weeks to be able to attend the trip based on state guidelines. Failure to pass non-exempt classes, will result in not attending trip and money being unable to be refunded.
ECG Study packets due 11/09/16
The packets for the optional ECG study (for those participating) are due by 5:00 PM on November 9th to Mr. Marquez’ box. This information will be provided to the study group for further processing.
9th Grade All-Region Auditions 11/12/16
9th Grade All-Region Auditions will be held at North Mesquite High School on Saturday, November 12th and transportation IS provided. 9th graders in Wind Symphony, Symphonic Winds and Symphonic Band are required to audition while Concert Band members are highly encouraged to participate. The director(s) reserve the right to prevent a student from attending the audition based on the preparation of the music. All participating students were registered in their band class. The region audition fee is $13. Please submit payment by 5:00 pm on November 11th to the band safe. You can pay with cash, money order or check (made out to RABC). Once I receive the audition times from the region chair, a separate email will be sent out to those students with more specific details regarding this event.
Upcoming Events
11/15/16 – Dallas Winds Concert (for those who signed-up)
11/16/16 – Westwood Band Blast (required for leadership/drumline)
11/16/16 – Fall Percussion Auditions
11/17/16 – Fall Percussion Auditions
11/17/16 – Cookie Dough/Magazine Payments Due
11/17/16 – All-Region Jazz Clinic
11/19/16 – All-Region Jazz Concert
Things To Be Thinking About…
1) RISD Chamber Music Festival – students must get solo approved with lesson teacher or director by the final exam date. Proof of purchase for both the solo and accompaniment must be shown to receive 50% percent of the final exam grade.
2) Honors Level Band papers (for those who signed-up) are due by Dec. 9th. Students must attend two professional performances or other performances approved in advance by the director each semester in the student’s respective Honors area. Documentation of these performances will include a program and a minimum two page critique of each performance. The paper must be typed 12 point, Times New Roman font, double-spaced and must reflect the writing quality, content, and construction expected of an Honors student. Students must also complete a research paper each semester on a topic approved by the director. The paper must be a minimum of six pages typed 12 point, Times New Roman font, double spaced, and include a work-cited page. A minimum of three sources is required. The paper must reflect the writing quality, content, and construction expected of an Honors student.
Thank you,
Mr. Marquez