Hello GEB,
Below you will find the details for this week (10/10-10/15):
Desoto Marching Contest Results
It was a great day for the GEB, as it took 3rd place at the Desoto Marching Classic! We are so proud of the students!
Thank you parents for all of your help this weekend; we truly cannot achieve this level of excellence without YOU!
Morning Rehearsals (7:00am – 8:30am)
NO SCHOOL/NO REHEARSAL – Monday, October 10th
Be ready to work hard Tuesday, October 11th! Always have your dot book, pencil and instrument at every scheduled morning rehearsal!
We made it through the first six weeks! Great job of taking care of business in the classroom. However, we are not safe just yet in regards to this marching season. All students MUST be passing their non-exempt classes when the report card is released at the 9 weeks (that’s in 2 weeks) in order to participate in the Area C Marching Contest (should we advance) on October 29th. Students and parents, make sure you are checking grades on FOCUS. Students, please turn in all your assignments and attend tutoring in the “at risk” classes. Remember NO zeros!
Color Guard Pizza Party 10/11/16
The color guard pizza party will be on Tuesday, Oct. 11th, from 4:15 – 4:45 pm. Thank you for your participation in Spirit Week during summer band camp. Congratulations on winning the “Most Spirited Section.”
Friday Morning Rehearsal / Pep Rally 10/14/16
The second pep rally of the year is this Friday. Please see details below:
Attire – SUMMER UNIFORM: Purple Dri-fit shirt, GEB black shorts, tennis shoes.
7:00am – 8:30am: Marching Rehearsal on the GRID
8:30am – 9:05am: Head to stadium and rehearse with the Eaglettes. This will be quite tricky as all of the pep-rally items will be set-up. Front Ensemble – put instruments away.
9:05am – 9:20am: Break
9:30am – 10:25am: Pep Rally (summer uniform)
10:25am: Put instruments away and head to 2nd period. You are only blocked for 0 hour and 1st period.
As mentioned, we will rehearse with the Eaglettes BEFORE the pep rally. This is especially important to note because ALL woodwinds, brass and drumline students must remember to bring their flip folders stuffed with this week’s drill team tune (which happens to be Spania). Anyone who forgets his/her flip folder, drill team tune, or attire at this rehearsal will automatically fail inspection for this week, so make sure you remember!
You can always find the “drill team tune” for the week by going to the Official Band Calendar at www.richardsonband.org
Homecoming Parade 10/14/16
The Golden Eagle Band will proudly march down Belt Line to perform in one of Richardson High School’s grandest traditions, the Homecoming Parade. This event occurs at the end of the school day on Homecoming Friday. Students will wear the Summer Uniform (which is what you wore in the morning for the pep rally – Purple Dri-fit shirt, GEB black shorts and tennis shoes).
All RHS students are released early on Friday to attend the Homecoming Parade. Band members will report to the Band Hall directly after school is released at 2:00 PM. We will quickly load the buses and head down to Heights Elementary in shifts. The parade begins at 4:00pm and runs down Belt Line Rd. from Heights Elementary back to RHS.
Directly following the parade, head to the Eagles Nest for dinner. Note that the turn around for this week’s game is REALLY quick due to the fact that we are performing at Pre-Game so if you do not have a Football Meal Plan, you will probably want to bring your food to school that morning as you likely will not have time to go out and get something.
Lastly, the way that the organizers handle the “entry fee” for the Homecoming Parade is fantastic! Rather than collecting money for the entry fee, each band member is expected to donate one pack of underwear, which will be collected and donated to the Clothes Closet, a local charity serving the needs of the area.
There will be a collection area in the front of the band hall for each student to turn in his/her package of underwear. The package should be marked with the student’s name so that we can account for who has already turned in their contribution. This is a great charity and I expect the band to be the single greatest contributor!
You will want to wear your mum/garter during the parade as we cannot wear them at the game with our marching uniforms.
Spiritwear – we can sell items in front of the school during the parade as long as we are not blocking the view of judges/spectators.
RHS vs Lake Highlands (HOME) 10/14/16
Homecoming is this Friday night as the Eagles take on Lake Highlands here at Eagle Stadium. As always, full details can be found on the Official Band Calendar at www.richardsonband.org.
After we return from the Homecoming parade, dinner will be served in the Eagles Nest for those who signed up for the meal plan. Please note that this is only for those who signed up for the Football Game meal plan.
Important detail this week – WE ARE PERFORMING OUR SHOW AT PRE-GAME.
Game Details
Drill Team Tune: Spania?Dinner Served: after parade (Eagle’s Nest)?Inspection: 6:00pm – NO TAILGATE
For Whom The Bell Tolls Performance: 7:05pm (Pre-Game)?Kickoff: 7:30pm
For halftime, we will be participating in the Homecoming festivities.
Winds/Percussion – Full Uniform: marching shoes, black socks (mid calf length or higher), bibbers (uniform pants), GEB underarmor, jacket, baldric (sash), shako (hat).
Guard – Contest Uniform
*failure to have the items mentioned above as well as not having your instrument, flip folder, lyre and GEB silver water bottle FILLED WITH WATER will result in failing inspection. As a reminder we do not talk during inspection lines.
Since it is homecoming and there is a dance on Saturday night, there is no after party this week. Therefore, the band hall will close 30 minutes after the students are dismissed from the stands.
Other reminders include:
No nail polish/make-up
No jewelry (earrings, necklaces, rings, etc.)
No unnatural hair colors (blue, green, etc.)
Boys – clean shaven or trimmed facial hair
Girls – show hair
Sunblock/mosquito repellant
Upcoming Contests
Wednesday, October 19: Region 3 UIL Marching Contest. This will be an evening performance. The PSAT takes place in the morning. Events will not conflict; we have these two evaluations on the same day every year.
Saturday, October 29: Area C UIL Marching Contest (Prelims/Finals). We will attend this contest should we advance from our region performance on October 19th.
Spring Trip (Corpus Christi) – Commitment Trip Form and NON-REFUNDABLE down payment ($100) Due 11/09/16
Please see attachment sent on TWIGEB 09/19-09/24 regarding 2017 spring trip; packet includes brief information of the trip, payment schedule, TEA excused classes, trip commitment form and cancellation form. The Trip Commitment Form is due to the band safe by November 9th along with your first non-refundable payment of $100. Student must be eligible after the 3rd 9 weeks to be able to attend the trip based on state guidelines. Failure to pass non-exempt classes, will result in not attending trip and money being unable to be refunded.
Thank you,
Mr. Marquez