TWIGEB 10/18/15 – 10/24/15

Region 3 UIL Marching Contest
Our MOST IMPORTANT contest of the year is coming up on Wednesday, Oct. 21: UIL! Details for the contest are below.
Here’s how the blocking situation is working – you fall into one of two situations:
Eligible: You are blocked from 4th-7th period (includes prop crew). You will report to A Lunch prior to our stadium rehearsal.
Ineligible: If you are academically ineligible, you will attend classes as normal and continue to focus on raising those grades so you can get back with us ASAP. You will report to the band only during your assigned band class. If you have band during 4th period, you’ll eat A lunch as usual, and come to the band hall before heading out to the stadium with the rest of the band. If you have band during 5th period, you will report to the stadium during that class period.
NO EARLY MORNING REHEARSAL (get your rest, compete at your best)

12:45pm-3:45pm: Stadium Rehearsal (GEB shorts, purple Dri-fit shirt, marching shoes, shako, plume – NO BIBBERS)
3:45pm: Return plume, grab a snack @ stadium (provided), load trucks, change into uniform?5:00pm: Inspection (FULL UNIFORM) / bring duffle bag or backpack with a change of clothes if you would like (school appropriate)?5:10pm: Depart for Mesquite Memorial Stadium
7:10pm: Warm-up (North)?7:40pm: Leave Warm-up?8:00pm: Performance?8:10pm: Change out of uniform/eat dinner (pizza)
9:00pm: Ratings Announced
9:45pm: Arrive @ RHS (ETA)


1) UIL contest happens during the school day and the kids will miss classes in order to attend. Get your school work in advance from your teachers if AT ALL POSSIBLE.
2) Each band only performs once at the Region UIL contest. There are no prelims or finals.
3) Three judges will each give the band a rating on a scale of 1 to 5.
– 1 (Superior)? – 2 (Excellent)? – 3 (Good)? – 4 (Fair)? – 5 (Poor)
4) As opposed to the Invitational style contest where bands are competing against each other, at UIL, bands are not ranked against each other. Rather, the bands are each evaluated independently and given a rating based upon the UIL standards.
5) The band is given an overall rating based on the combination of the three judges scores. For example, if a band gets a 1, 1, 2… that band’s overall rating would be a 1 (called a 1st Division or “Superior” rating).

Parent Info
We NEED parents to help at each contest as it takes much man power to unload/load the trucks, serve food/water, chaperone.
Mesquite Memorial Stadium ?2411 W. Scyene Rd.
Mesquite, Texas 75149


After looking at the weather forecast, it is looking like it will rain on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. I am a little disappointed since our run-through went well this morning, but in the interest of student safety, we will not be using them. Students who are in the props crew will be in full uniform at both competitions and will help with logistical aspects of the events.

No rehearsal on Thursday morning! Catch up on some sleep (or homework if you so choose) and we’ll see you in class!
Band Classes
Due to UIL on Wednesday and being blocked 4th-7th, we want to make sure you are getting your work done for other classes. If you are in Wind Symphony and Symphonic Winds, you will have Wednesday during the band period to work on anything you need. Symphonic Band, Concert Band and Color Guard will have Thursday off in class; please use this time wisely!
Friday Morning Rehearsal – Stadium

Attire for Friday morning rehearsals is:
Black Athletic Shorts or GEB Athletic Shorts
Equilibrium Shirt
Marching Shoes
We will rehearse with the Eaglettes as we do every Friday. This is especially important to note because ALL woodwinds, brass and drumline students must remember to bring their flip folders stuffed with this week’s drill team tune (which happens to be “Hot Stuff”). Anyone who forgets his/her flip folder, drill team tune, or attire at this rehearsal will automatically fail inspection for this week, so make sure you remember!
*GEB Leadership – please be at the stadium by 6:35 am to tape the field.
RHS vs Berkner (AWAY)
We have an away game this week as the RHS Eagles take on Berkner! As always, full details can be found on the Official Band Calendar at
Game Details
Drill Team Tune: Hot Stuff?Dinner Served: 4:10pm?Inspection: 5:15pm?Departure: 5:30pm?Kickoff: 7:30pm
Full Contest Uniform: marching shoes, black socks (mid calf length or higher), bibbers (uniform pants), GEB underarmor, jacket, baldric (sash), shako (hat).
Guard Uniform: Contest costume
*failure to have the items mentioned above as well as not having your instrument, flip folder, lyre and GEB silver water bottle FILLED WITH WATER will result in failing inspection. As a reminder we do not talk during inspection lines.
Other reminders include:
No nail polish
No jewelry (earrings, necklaces, rings, etc.)
No unnatural hair colors (blue, green, etc.)
Boys – clean shaven or trimmed facial hair
Girls – show hair

We will be coming back to RHS after our halftime performance. We are very fortunate to have fantastic administration and coaches who are supportive of our activity. Please thank Mr. Bruner, Mr. Bradford and Mr. Chandler next time you see them.

Duncanville Marching Invitational
The Golden Eagle Band will be traveling to the Duncanville Marching Invitational on Saturday, October 24th. Here is the plan for the day:
6:00am-8:00am: Stadium Rehearsal ?8:30am: Inspection (FULL UNIFORM)?8:40am: Depart for Duncanville?9:30am: Arrive at Duncanville
10:15am: Warm-up?10:45am: Leave Warm-up?11:00am: Performance
11:15am: Change?12:00pm: Eat Lunch (Subway)
1:00pm-5:00pm: Observe performances. Students, parents and chaperones are to be in the stands TOGETHER.
5:00pm: Dinner (Baked Potatoes)?6:15pm: Prelims Results

The Duncanville Marching Invitational is a Prelims/Finals format contest. This means that, after all the bands march once in Prelims, they will select the top scoring 10 bands to perform again in Finals. The finalists perform in order depending upon their ranking in prelims. This means: 1) We won’t know if we are performing in finals until 6:00pm and 2) If we are performing in finals, we won’t know what time we perform until 6:00pm or so. We’ll send out a Tweet with the plans for the evening once we know the prelims results so our fans can make it out to cheer us on! If we do not make finals, we will return home.
7:30pm: Expected ETA at RHS
7:30pm: Finals Begin?10:30pm: Final Results?11:30pm: Expected ETA at RHS. Brief meeting then dismissal.
Parent Info
We NEED parents to help at each contest as it takes much man power to unload/load the trucks, serve food/water, chaperone, etc.
Duncanville Panther Stadium?900 W. Camp Wisdom Rd.
Duncanville, Texas 75116

Here’s how this works: when the band enters the field and the announcer calls our name, we need a fleet of parents cheering and going NUTS for the kids. This is all part of the competition! It sends a message to the judges that… “hey, you really need to pay attention to this band!”
Parking is free. Admission to the contest is $10.00 for spectators 12 years of age and older. $5.00 for children under 12 years of age. For our volunteers, Duncanville only provides us with a total of 10 volunteer passes. This means that you should be prepared to pay the $10.00 entry fee just in case we don’t have enough to cover everyone. While I know that can be frustrating, keep in mind that this is a very important fundraiser for the Duncanville Band which is why they need to charge admission.
Student Info (ALL STUDENTS, including props crew)
You are going to need to bring a good number of items with you on Saturday. Pay careful attention as we’ll have several different “outfits” for the day.
When you arrive in the morning, you’ll need to be wearing:
• GEB Dri-fit Purple Shirt?• GEB Athletic shorts or shorts?• Marching Shoes
• Long Black Socks
*If is is cold, you may wear a sweatshirt and/or sweat pants. Students on props crew do not need to bring their instruments.

You’ll need to bring your duffle bag or a backpack. Inside your duffle/backpack, you’ll need our “stands uniform” which will be:
• Tennis Shoes?• (EQ)librium T-Shirt?• Shorts or jeans (school appropriate)
• Sweatshirt (in case it gets cold)

You’ll come and drop your items off in the band hall, head to the uniform racks and grab your bibbers, shako and a plume. When the whistle blows, at 6:00am in stadium, you’ll be wearing:
• GEB Dri-fit Purple Shirt?• GEB Athletic Shorts?• Marching shoes?• Long black socks?• Band shako with plume

After rehearsal, we’ll get the rest of uniform items from the racks (ie jackets, baldric, etc), load the trucks (if applicable) and head to the band hall for inspection. Inspection is at 8:30am. At inspection, we’ll be dressed in FULL UNIFORM and will have:
• GEB UnderArmor Shirt?• GEB Athletic Shorts or shorts for under bibbers ?• Marching Shoes?• Long black socks?• Instrument in case (for winds that don’t go on truck)?• Bibbers
• Jacket w/ baldric
• Shako w/ box
• Duffle Bag/Backpack (with your stands uniform inside)
At 8:40am, we’ll load buses and head to Duncanville. Upon our arrival, you’ll get all the instructions you’ll need. After our prelims performance, you’ll also get all the instructions you’ll need.

Everyone will receive lunch and dinner via the contest meal plan between prelims and finals. You may want to bring additional money for souvenirs and/or concession stand goodies.

This will be a long day make sure you’re resting up throughout the week!

Senior Night
The time is almost here! Each year, we gather together on the final home game of the season to pay tribute and express our appreciation to the Senior Class. This year’s senior night will be held on Friday, Nov. 6th at the RHS vs Highland Park game. There will be three portions to the Senior Night recognitions: Pre-Game, Pep-Rally & Halftime. Please see the information below for details about each.

Please note: Any senior participating must be academically eligible to do so as this event occurs at a UIL football game.


The first step to all of this is for you to go to:

and fill out the form. Please note the following regarding the form as we have run into issues in the past:

1 Submit the form only once. Students and parents should confirm with each other what you want to be announced before you submit.
2 If you submit the form a second time, the data will be ignored. If you must change your information after you have submitted it (escort has changed, etc), you need to email Mr. Marquez directly ( about the change no later than Wednesday, Oct 28th.
3 In order to guarantee that your information will be read at the game, you must have your web form submission submitted by Friday, October 30th at 5pm. That’s when Mr. Marquez will compile all the data to create the script. Any submissions after that point are not guaranteed to be read at the game.


As we have done the last several years, all organizations will recognize its Seniors in the same manner at the Pre-Game ceremony.

Each Senior band member, accompanied by parents (or guardians) will be recognized at Pre-Game. Seniors and parents will line up at the south end zone at 6:55pm. The presentation will start at 7:00pm. All Band Seniors and parents will line up in alphabetical order (by last name) and prepare to be escorted down the field. Parents and Senior will walk down the field together, stop at the 50 and then walk between the Eaglettes and Cheerleaders before lining up on the track. After everyone from all of the organizations have been recognized, seniors will be dismissed to join the band in the stands.

Band parents – please wear a Band T-Shirt, polo or some other kind of GEB gear.


As is tradition, there should be a Senior Parent portion of the Pep-Rally on Nov. 6th where you will have the opportunity to “perform” proudly before the RHS Community. Information regarding this event will be sent out in a separate email by our Senior Rep. Please contact her directly with any pep-rally related questions. Unlike the Pre-Game ceremony, the Pep-Rally portion is completely optional but due to the comedy it brings us all, highly encouraged.


Before the start of the show, seniors will come to the front of the field to meet the drum majors for the Senior Salute.

The announcement of the Band Beau and Sweetheart will occur at halftime as well.

Post Game

After the game, we will play the fight song and Alma Mater and do the full dismissal, after which you will be released to the field to participate in the Senior Walk. The Senior Walk takes place roughly 5-10 minutes after the completion of the game and you will no problem getting to the field from the stands in time.

We’re all looking forward to another great Senior Night!

Upcoming Performances (outside of football games…)

10/27 – RHS vs North Mesquite Volleyball – pizza provided
11/07 – RISD Spirit Run

Thank you,
Mr. Marquez

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