Regular Rehearsals Continue!
The regular marching rehearsal schedule is 7:00am-8:30am Monday through Friday. Please note one important exception below:
Monday, Oct 12: Stadium Rehearsal 5-9pm – note that there is no school this day.
*it is important that everyone arrives on time everyday. As a reminder, for every minute you are late = 1 lap and 10 points off of your participation grade. Also, tutoring is expected to be done in the afternoons so we can maximize our rehearsal time. With that being said, please pass your classes!
Pass-offs… want to try again?
Wind players can come and re-attempt movement I/school song pass-offs for any of the directors after school on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays before 5:30pm. We can’t guarantee availability every day (some days there are meetings, etc), but we’ll do our best to be in our offices between 4:10-5:30pm those days for the next few weeks. If you drop by, we’ll be happy to fire up the click track for you.
In the mean time, want to practice step offs with the click track?
The click tracks for Mvt. I and II are now posted in the student area in Charms. In order to log into Charms, visit Your school code is “RichardsonHSB”, and your password for the student area is your ID number. You will be able to find the click track in the “Click Track” folder in the “Handouts & Files” section.
Cookie Dough and Magazine Orders Due 09/15/15
Please turn in cookie dough/magazine order form and money to the safe by 5:00 pm on September 15, 2015.
Band Fees – First Installment Due 09/15/15
If you signed a promissory note during band registration, the first payment is due to the safe by 5:00 pm on September 15, 2015.
Mandatory Spring Trip Informational Meeting 09/15/15
This meeting is for all interested in attending our spring trip (parents are required to attend). This year we will be going to Disney World and Universal Studios! Meeting will be held in the band hall on Tuesday, September 15, 2015 from 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm.
Meet the Teacher/Open House 09/17/15
Meet the teacher/Open House is on Thursday, September 17, 2015. The evening kicks off with a PTA meeting starting at 6:00pm. Then at 7pm, you’ll be ushered through your student’s school day, following their bell schedule. This means, that you’ll come and visit us in the band hall during the designated period of the day that your student has band.
Wind Symphony – 1st Period (all percussion)
Colorguard – 2nd Period
Symphonic Winds – 3rd Period
Symphonic Band – 4th Period
Concert Band – 5th Period
Guard parents, Ms. Maldonado may or may not be here at that time but you’re welcome to drop by during 2nd period to say hello to one of us.
Band Handbook Forms Due 09/18/15
Freshmen received a hard copy of the band handbook. All other students please see the link below. Please sign and return the handbook forms (pages v and xvii) to Mr. McKinney’s box by 5:00 pm on Friday, September 18th. Students should have received copies of these two forms in class as well. Students will receive a 100 as a participation grade in their classes upon returning both sheets signed.
The handbook and the forms can also be accessed on Charms.
Section leaders, please remember that we will be placing door hangers on the houses along the route to advertise the upcoming March-a-thon event. The more advertising we can do, the more money we can raise on September 26th!
We will meet in the band hall @ 4:15 pm and should be done by 5:15 pm at the latest!
*there is no football game on Friday, September 18, 2015.
Thank you,
Mr. Marquez