TWIGEB (09/21/20-09/26/20) Band Entry Plan, Eligibility, etc. PLEASE READ

Hello GEB,

Below you will find all of the details for our upcoming week (09/21/20-09/26/20). Remember to always check for the most updated schedule.

First, congratulations to the Richardson High School Wind Symphony on being named a 2020 Commended Winner by the Mark of Excellence – The Foundation for Music Education on their 2019-2020 recordings. This is the 5th time RHS has been named a National or Commended Winner in the last 6 years. Proud of our kids!

Marching Rehearsals Continue (Monday and Tuesday) 09/21 – 09/22

Marching rehearsals (6:00 PM – 8:30 PM) and screening process (5:30 PM) remain as regular. Please bring all of your items needed. ARABIAN NIGHTS MUST BE MEMORIZED!

Face-to-Face Instruction 09/21

I understand that Mr. Choat has sent the RHS campus plan, however, I have spoken with him and our band students will follow the plan below:

1st period Band
Starting Monday, September 21st, if you are a Face-To-Face band student for 1st period you will come to the band hall doors starting at 8:00 AM to be screened (please have screener ready to go on your phone; paper copies will be available, if needed), you will then apply hand sanitizer, and then head to your pre-assigned chair (along with your instrument and materials). Band will begin at 8:20 AM. Remember that woodwinds and brass will be in the band hall while percussion will be in the percussion room, orchestra room or outside. Those of you who are 1st period Face-To-Face ONLY band students will be released at 9:45 AM so you can get home for your 10:05 AM class. Full-time Face-to-Face band students will take their instrument to the locker room one by one as directed by director at the end of class. Lockers will not have locks for faster transitions. When leaving the band hall, students will apply hand sanitizer before heading to their next class. FULL-TIME Face-To-Face students will receive a personal shield that will be used for all of your other classes. These shields will be returned to the band hall at the end of the day.

2nd-8th Band
If you need to drop off your instrument at the beginning of the school school day, you can come to the band hall doors starting at 8:30 AM to be screened. A director will let you in, you will drop off your instrument in the locker room (one at a time) and head to your first period class down F Hall. Lockers will not have locks for faster transitions. Hanging out in the Fine Arts wing is not an option. When the bell rings for your band period, you will come back down F-Hall during your scheduled time, apply hand sanitizer and a head to your pre-assigned chair. Directors will call one student at a time to go get their instrument from their locker. When leaving the band hall, students will apply hand sanitizer before heading to their next class.

Virtual zero hour-8th
1st period Virtual students will now log on to Zoom at 8:20 AM. All other virtual students will log on as regular to their Zoom meeting times.

Picking-up instruments after school
You will need to exit school through the doors provided in the RHS plan; once you have exited, students can come to the band hall doors to pick-up instrument(s) before heading home. Again, directors will allow one student into the locker rooms at a time. You will exit through the band hall doors.

Students who are doing marching band CAN pick up instruments prior to 5:30 PM through the fine arts/band hall doors. Directors will screen students, guide one at a time to go to their locker and they will then head outside for rehearsal. All other procedures will stay the same.


4th period band students will continue to have A lunch. Please check with your 4th period/5th period teacher for lunch.
Practice rooms are only an option DURING classes when a student has a virtual private lesson. Before and after school are not an option.
Changing rooms will not be an option to change for marching band.
Bring your your instrument, mask, bell covers, music, etc.
Lockers will be assigned on Monday and Tuesday.
If you have any COVID-19 symptoms that are new (unusual or out of the ordinary for you) you MUST stay home.

RABC Board Meeting 09/24

Parents – if you are on the RABC Board, our first meeting of the year will be on Thursday, September 24th at 6:30 PM. You will receive an email from our booster president for Zoom details.

Eligibility 09/25

All students in marching band must be passing classes by Friday, September 25th in order to participate in in the Oct. 2nd and Oct. 9th game.

Band Invoices Emailed

All invoices have been sent as of Saturday, September 12th. A couple of things to note:

Parents – if you have not seen it in your email, please check your spam folder or ask your child if they received it.
If you do not find it or have any questions, please email our wonderful GEB treasurer (parent volunteer) at
You CAN make partial payments if needed; just change the amount on the top right hand corner where the pencil is located.

Upcoming Events:
09/28 – Marching Rehearsal
09/29 – Marching Rehearsal
09/30 – Drumline Pep Rally Recording (MAC)
10/02 – All-Region Jazz Entry Deadline
10/02 – Richardson vs. Garland Football Game
10/03 – 10/07 – All-Region Jazz Recording Window
10/05 – Marching Band Rehearsal
10/06 – Marching Band Rehearsal
10/09 – Richardson vs. Azle (Senior Night and Homecoming)

8:20 AM Rehearsals for Wind Symphony and Percussion will begin on September 21st.

Thank you,

Mr. Marquez

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